Tt eSPORTS MEKA Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Review

By sophiesummers on 10:38 AM

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Electronics seem to be one of the few industries where technological fads seem to come and go and are never seen again. The mechanical keyboard is one of the few exceptions to this rule. Mechanical keyboards are based on the force feedback sensation that was delivered to you during the use of a typewriter. The feedback you got was from the actuation of the key causing a plunger to hit the paper. You knew when you pushed that key down that you caused something to happen elsewhere.  Think driving a car with a cable clutch or no power steering, rudimentary in execution but with instant response.

Recently mechanical keyboards have been making a comeback. This is primarily due to the importance gaming has on the PC market. Professional gamers and gamers who want to be professional gamers (i.e. ME) are looking for any edge they can get on their competition. This is where the mechanical keyboard comes back into play. Gamers want to make sure when they press a key that the action they want to occur actually happens.

Enter the Tt-eSPORTS MEKA Keyboard: This keyboard is Thermaltake’s first stab at the ever growing gaming keyboard market so let’s take and see how sharp this bad-boy is.

Let’s Take a Look
The first thing you’ll notice just by looking at the MEKA Mechanical Keyboard box is the fact that this keyboard is not your standard size keyboard. It looks like it’s a cross between a Mini and a Standard size keyboard, a Stanni if you will.  On the back on the box you get your standard 853 languages with the information about the device that you’ll never read.

Inside the box you have a CD-case-sized cardboard box that would typically contain some kind of configurable software but instead only had literature on all the specs of the keyboard:
- 1000Hz Poll Rate
- 50 Million Keystrokes – Cherry Black Mechanical Key switches
- 2 USB Hubs
- Anti-Ghosting Function (Up to 16 depressible simulations keys)
- Gold Plated USB Connector
- Braided Cable
- Smart Cable Management

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